Thursday, December 15, 2016

Advances in UAS Traffic Managment

NY works with NASA to develop UAS traffic management system

This article informs my opinion that a large advancement in UAS technology in the near future will not necessarily come via specific technology, but rather the industry-wide standards to support it. The proliferation of unmanned aircraft technology has led to some very fascinating developments in recent years, which leaves many observers of the UAS industry wondering what could possibly be next. Aircraft systems are increasing sophistication while decreasing size, which opens up an area with high growth potential: integrated air traffic control systems. Providing a new or safer perspective is only a portion of the benefit of operating a UAS; a true benefit to UAS operations is the ability to fly beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). However, without the ability to “sense and avoid” (S&A) other aircraft and obstacles on the ground, the safety of UAS flight cannot be completely guaranteed. Manned aircraft rules in the U.S. require pilots to “see and avoid other aircraft,” regardless of operating under visual or instrument flight rules (Yodice, 2015). Enter automated traffic management systems. In November 2016, the state of New York announced a $30 million investment that will be coordinated by the Griffiss International Airport UAS test site in Rome, NY, with intent to develop a traffic management system to control UAS flights along a 50-mile corridor between Rome and Syracuse, NY (Miller, 2016).
Developing a common air traffic control system means that all of the aircraft sharing the airspace must meet certain technological standards. In the case of the NY control corridor, NASA is working with industry partners to develop the technology to bring UAS traffic management into reality. NASA standards are based on Technology Capability Levels (TCLs), and a real-world UAS control corridor would be the next step in development (TCL 2).
Another set of technological standards is in work by the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) special committee for UAS minimum aviation system performance standards (MASPS) (SC-203). The committee consists of subsystem working groups, one of which is focused on the standards for the development of S&A technology. By demonstrating conformance to a standard, UAS system developers can accomplish most of the work towards satisfying a safety case for their system, especially when seeing integration into controlled airspace (Zeitlin, 2010).
A different approach with the same goal of automated UAS airspace integration is ongoing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in a direct collaboration between Nokia and the UAE General Civial Aviation Authority (GCAA). The difference is that Nokia is working directly with the
With successful implementation of NASA/FAA teaming for the advancement of a traffic management system, along with industry adoption of RTCA standards, the next 5-10 years will potentially see a large increase in BVLOS flights by UAS of all sizes. This will only occur when ground-based traffic management systems operate in concert with UAS that meet industry and regulatory technological standards.  

Miller, P.C. (2016, November). NY works with NASA to develop UAS traffic management system. UAS Magazine. Retrieved from
Yodice, J.S. (2015, August). The “see and avoid” rules: helping out the NTSB. Retrieved from
Zeitlin, A. D. (2010). Progress on requirements and standards for sense & avoid. MITRE Corporation. Retrieved from